'To hear for life, listen with care'- alle videos van World Hearing Day beschikbaar.
Op 3 maart jl. tijdens Wordl Hearing Day organiseerde de AEA een lunchdebat met een groot aantal sprekers. Niet alleen de video's maar ook een overzicht van de belangrijkste feiten die de sprekers noemden is te vinden op de website van AEA.
Zo maar een greep:
- 'Hearing loss is on the rise – over 1 billion people are at risk of hearing loss, due to noise and loud sounds. But this is preventable – 50% of young people (12-35 years), listen to music at unsafe levels using headphones, and 40% are exposed to damaging sound levels at entertainment venues and events.'
- Hearing loss is associated with a multitude of comorbidities and additional problems, Cost of not treating hearing loss (in Europe this is hearing loss is €185 billion per year. This is €17 billion more than the EU budget in 2020 – and including the expenses or medical costs for other comorbidities are included, the true cost of hearing loss is estimated to be €213 billion)
- Effective and cost-effective solutions are available
- 1. Prevention
- 2. Early identification
- 3. Appropriate and timely care and rehabilitation
Interessante kost die maar weer onderstreept hoe belangrijk hoorzorg is.